
What Are The Next Advances Jumping From The Pages Of Sci-fi?

With developments in AI seemingly jumping right off the pages of sci-fi as of late, it would be interesting to speculate on what might be next. Since developments don’t happen in isolation, while the rest of the world stands still, below are three possibilities which have foreseeable overlap.

  1. Quantum Computing: By processing information fundamentally differently than conventional computers, quantum computing is an emerging technology that has the potential to transform computing. Although it is still in the research and development stage, it is anticipated to have broad applications in industries including machine learning, drug discovery, and cryptography.Bottom of Form There are ethical considerations surrounding the use of quantum computing, particularly regarding the development and deployment of autonomous systems that can make decisions without human intervention. Simply, will quantum computers, and their revolutionized problem solving, draw conclusions that we are comfortable with?
  2. Brain-Computer Interfaces: With direct brain-to-computer communication, it may be possible to operate appliances and even prosthetic limbs by using just one’s thoughts. Though still in its infancy, this field is seeing some encouraging research, and BCIs have the potential to fundamentally alter both medical and assistive technology. The dystopia version, of course, is Doctor Octopus from Spiderman, when the AI prosthetics start autonomously messaging back.
  3. Autonomous Vehicles: Though autonomous vehicles aren’t strictly in the realm of science fiction, they are constantly being researched and improved to function safely and successfully in a variety of settings. The have the potential to reduce accidents and increase the effectiveness of transportation, therefore they may eventually be seen often on roads and highways. The darker side of AI at wheel is that accidents are not always avoidable. One can imagine a scenario where several vehicles on a highway, in communication with each other, are put in a position requiring them to make collective decisions about who to save and who to let die.

There are big advances just around the corner in many areas. These three leapt to mind as a consequence of all the talk around ChatGPT and they seemed to naturally cluster together. What technology has you pondering the near future?