
Multiple Hugo Award Winning Robert A. Heinlein – The Crib Notes

So far, I have written about Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke. Rounding out the series of the big three writers from the “Golden Age” of science fiction, is Robert A. Heinlein

Heinlein was born in 1907 in Missouri and studied at the US Naval Academy before leaving due to health reasons.

He began writing science fiction stories in the 1930s and quickly became one of the most popular and influential authors of the genre.

“Life-Line” was Heinlein’s first published work of science fiction, and it quickly established him as a talented writer with a unique voice and perspective. “Life-Line” is a story about a scientist who invents a machine that can predict the exact date of a person’s death by measuring the electrical impulses of their body. The story explores themes of mortality, free will, and the ethics of using technology to control human life. “Life-Line” was later included in Heinlein’s first published book, a collection of his early works entitled “The Man Who Sold the Moon”.

In his writing, Heinlein often explored themes of individualism, personal responsibility, and libertarianism, and was known for his political and social views. His novel, “Stranger in a Strange Land”, first published in 1961, is his most controversial.  The novel’s depiction of sexuality and unconventional relationships, as well as its critique of mainstream religion and societal norms was met with mixed reviews. Some critics accused the book of promoting immorality and undermining traditional values, while others praised its bold exploration of taboo subjects and its message of personal empowerment and freedom.

Despite (or, because of) this, “Stranger in a Strange Land” became a bestseller and is now considered a classic. Its diverse influence can be seen in the counterculture of the 1960s and the development of the modern New Age movement.

He has won multiple Hugo Awards for his writing. His first was in 1956 for his novel “Double Star”. This book tells the story of an actor who is hired to impersonate a politician on a dangerous mission to negotiate with an alien race. “Double Star” is considered a classic of science fiction and is one of Heinlein’s most popular works.

In addition to his writing, Heinlein was also involved in politics and was an outspoken advocate for space exploration and technology.

Robert A. Heinlein passed away in 1988 at the age of 80, but his legacy as one of the most important and influential writers in science fiction continues to this day. He was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 1998.